Thursday, September 15, 2016

UNconditional goodness

The one thing that causes us to put limitations on God is our perception of life and how we've contributed to a lot of the things that have happened in our lives.
For instance, when I was dealing with traffic tickets, license suspension, court dates, legal drama, etc...I thought "why would God provide the finances for me to take care of my tickets and court fees when it was my reckless behavior that got me into this situation?"
When I was dealing with that guy that I no longer wanted to be with, I thought "why would I give this mess to God when I got myself in this situation? I knew I wasn't supposed to be with him in the first place!"
When I was faced with the outstanding balance on my school account, I began thinking of all the times I complained about school, times when I didn't take it seriously, and times when I took school for granted. Then I thought, "why would God move on my behalf when I really don't deserve to be in school??"

God's love for us is not predicated on how amazing we are, our good deeds, our accomplishments, how kind we are, how smart and caring we are, how thoughtful we are, the fact that we're awesome parents, we have awards and degrees on the wall... God's love for us is based on the fact that He IS LOVE. All He knows how to do is be LOVE.
"...for God is love.
[He is the originator of love,
and it is an enduring attribute
of His nature.]"
-1 John 4:8 

His love for us is unconditional (not limited and not subject to change due certain conditions) but what's even better is that His love for us is actually based upon how messed up we are.. the fact that we make bad decisions, we aren't the best in "this" particular area, we struggle, we don't always have good intentions, we have the tendency to be rude and mean, we complain, we hold grudges, we just can't get it right!!!!!

"But God is so rich in mercy,
and he loved us so much, 
that even though we were dead
because of our sins,
he gave us life when he raised
Christ from the dead.
(It is only by God’s grace
that you have been saved!)"
- Ephesians 2:4-5 (PROOF!)

Our actions do not stop God from being God. There is nothing we could do that is going to make Him love us any less (see for yourself). Will he discipline us? YES! Why? Because just like our parents on earth (or whomever your guardian is), God disciplines those He loves (CLICK HERE for proof!) Will He come through on your behalf? Yes! Because He is a good, good Father! So merciful, so loving and so kind and His love and goodness is UNCONDITIONAL. For Him to say, "No, I'm not going to help you because you've pissed me off for the last time" is just NOT WHO He IS.
God desperately desires to work things out for us. Not because of who we are but because of who He is. He is God and that's all He knows how to be. Silly of us to think that our bad decision is going to stop Him from being God. NO! It's when we condemn ourselves that blocks His grace (favor and goodwill)! His grace is sufficient enough for us!! (PROOF!) So go to God and confess the situation in truth (be open and honest about everything) and turn it over to Him. It is not God's desire to withhold any good thing from us. So get out of your own way and let God be God.

Until next time,

P.S. By the way, just because God is just that good to fix our messes and bless us even in the midst of bad decisions and mistakes, doesn't mean that we prostitute (take advantage) of His grace. Take steps at trying to be better and do better and being obedient! God loves when we're faithful and loves it even more when we're obedient!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Loving God

It's been said that how you view God determines the course of your life. Meaning, the way you view God determines where you position Him in your life. His position in your life determines the amount of access He has in your life. His access determines the freedom He has to be God in your life. So basically, your freedom to experience God at work in your life is predicated upon how you view God.
Many of us limit God based upon our perception of Him, our need for Him and how we've encountered Him in our lives before. We view God as someone who wants us to follow religious rules and keep tradition. But what we miss is the practicality of developing a relationship with God. God is relational. Which means you can only begin to understand Him by forming a relationship. God is good! God is loving!
Mark 12:30 AMP reads:
"and you shall love the Lord your God
with all your heart,
and with all your soul (life),
and with all your mind (thought, understanding),
and with all your strength.’"
We are to love God with the whole of who we are, center our life around His principles, develop His way of thinking and consider Him always, and place Him above our talent, advantages, skills, effort, and privileges.
You love God with the "whole of who you are" by first allowing Him to show you who you are, fill the void in your life, complete you, and transform your way of thinking. Upon getting to know yourself and getting knew who He is, you'll find yourself centering your life around who God is, His principles, His love, and His purpose for your life. You will begin to understand why you were created, the character of God, and how He values you and others. Some things, at this point, will begin to shift (your perception, how you handle situations, the way you talk to people, etc) You will then begin to develop His way of thinking, loving, and His character. You will consider your ways to make sure they reflect His ways (you will think about your actions and the effect of them). You will so easily honor Him above what He's privileged you to have (strengths: gifts, certain advantages, maybe you have a dad but someone else doesn't, maybe you grew up well taken care of because your family had enough money so you never went without, maybe you play sports really well, etc) and depend solely on him for what you don't have (maybe you don't know your mom or dad or both, you grew up in a rough neighborhood, you never learned how to get along with others properly, no one ever taught you how to love yourself, you have no self-respect, you aren't the best student in school because you don't know how to apply yourself, etc).

Amazing thing is, as you develop a relationship with God, you'll begin to love the very things that you hate about your life because God changes our perceptions and softens our hearts. He assures you that "I knew you before I formed you in the womb. Yes, I formed you and placed you in your mother's womb. You were not in that family by accident and you went through everything that you went through for a purpose, which is the purpose I have created you for. I have made it so that all things will work for the good, for the better, if you allow it to. Life does not happen TO you but FOR you because I have the power to turn it around. Experiences in life, good and bad, benefit you by teaching you lessons and sharpening your character."
It's not until we can enjoy God just because He's God, and not for what He can do, that we begin to experience God. As you constantly have an encounter with God, you undergo a transformation. How do you develop a relationship with God? Spending time with Him, talking to Him, asking Him for advice, telling Him how you feel, about yoyr day, and what you like and don't like, in return He'll tell you His thoughts, His likes and dislikes...and before you know it, you've grown to like Him so much so that you begin to care about things that He cares about and those things that hurt Him, begin to hurt you. You'll begin to trust Him with the things that have hurt you over the years, you'll begin to invite Him into your heart. Before you know it, you're in love and you're making decisions with Him in mind. You're considering His feelings, considering His thoughts, considering His love for you...and it actually feels pretty darn good. Now you maybe thinking "I've never been in a relationship like THAT! THAT'S a fairytale!" Well, I'm here to tell you that it's not a fairytale. It's very real because God is a REAL God.
With God, life makes sense and life is better. Without God, life seems to swallow us up and we constantly wonder "why am I even here?" We're lost. We need someone to save us, we need a Saviour. Think about your life...aren't you ready to be saved?
If you've read this post and you're saying, "I don't know God but I want to know Him. I need Him to save my life" then you are in the right place to receive Him. Right where you are! Go somewhere by yourself and speak aloud: "I believe that Jesus is Lord and that he died on the cross so that I will be saved from my sins. He rose on the third day so that I may have a free and abundant life."
If you're already a follower of Christ but you say, "I don't have a relationship with God. I never knew how to really do that." My prayer for you (and for you who just received Christ in your life!) is that God refreshes you and that you give Him the access to your life that He rightfully deserves. That you begin to understand the depth, width, and height of God's transforming love and that you lose your life so that you'll live freely for Him. I pray that you experience God in a new way and that He is free to be your God. I declare in the name of Jesus that you are free, whole and full in every area of your life and that God's will be done in your life. In Jesus name, AMEN.
Until next time,

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Hello, my name is: Brand New

2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT "Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!"

Please do yourself a favor and just let it flow. When you made the decision to follow Jesus, you received the FREEDOM to BE DIFFERENT. You BELONG to Christ! Which means you are qualified to BE DIFFERENT than what you're used to. And yes, it will take some time but everyday is about BECOMING more like Christ. You will face your biggest challenges with PEOPLE but "if God be FOR you, who can be against you?!" You are at liberty to defend yourself ONLY BY ACTION, not words. One of the perks about living this NEW life is GOD (the CREATOR of the UNIVERSE!) will defend you. You need not say a word.

Often times, we get so caught up in what we're "losing" instead of focusing on what we're gaining by following Christ! The devil wants you to think that you're missing out on fun. Ha! Really?! Open your bible and get to know God and you'll find out that God plans for you to live an AMAZING life!!! It's the devil that wants to make your life miserable. Don't believe me? (Click this link and open your eyes to see!)

Just live freely in Christ, talk to Him everyday about how you're feeling and ask for the strength and wisdom to keep the faith!
Thank God for today. I'm feeling a little brand new, how about you? ;-)

Until next time,

P.S. I posted this one from my phone but learned how to do the links!! Hahaa! Now if only I knew how to add color to my text! Hhmmm...

Friday, June 3, 2016


God has called you... He has given you an invite. (2 Timothy 1:9 NLT
He has chosen you... He desires you. He prefers you. (Ephesians 1:4-5 AMP
Don't worry about waiting for someone to "invite" you. Don't be discouraged because you weren't "picked" by them.
Don't settle. Don't accept every invite and don't allow yourself to be picked by every available candidate.
Remember your worth. Remember how God feels about you before making any rash decisions. We didn't even do anything to deserve God's love and amazing, undivided attention. (But yet we work harder for the approval of others instead of acknowledging the predestined approval of God)
Take a minute and bask in the freedom of being God's very own. To be a child of God makes you special. To be a friend of the King of Kings makes you privileged. You are His prized possession. Remind yourself daily.
If we meditated on God's precious thoughts of us..things probably wouldn't be easier but I'd bet we'd be a lot more wiser. We constantly battle with being FREE.
And I get it, we want to feel wanted by someone that's why we settled for "bae's potential". We want to be secure that's why we chose that job. We want to feel important that's why we can't loose ourselves of those friends that don't mean us no good. We want to be valued that's why we hang on to those people who are "beneath" us (for lack of better words) because they admire us.
Anytime that you place your joy, peace, love, hope, and security into anything other than are NOT free. You are ROBBING yourself of experiencing what God has for you. Any time you are lead by emotions instead of wisdom, you are placing yourself in bondage  exposing yourself to your situation instead of being hidden and tucked in God's wing.
God has called you to a life of freedom (that's your abundance) and has chosen you to be an example (that's His glory).
Please... open up your gift of freedom by opening your word so that God can affirm you.

If you're reading this blog and you don't know God, don't fret! You have the invite to live this free life as well! Just confess aloud: "I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that Jesus is Lord. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for me and that He rose for me."

Father God, in the name of Jesus, I pray over everyone who reads this blog today that they will be loosed from their situations and circumstances. I pray that the person reading this will find the freedom in being your child and being your friend. They will be sure of your sovereignty and absolutely convinced of your love. Thank you God that after reading this blog, they will walk in the abundance you've called them to live and will be chosen for your glory. Thank You Father for your word that says who the Son sets free is free indeed. I claim victory over the person life who's reading this post. They will be free in every area of their lives, in the name of Jesus!

Until next time,

P.S. I've composed this post from my phone, the reason why the links to the bible verses look the way they do. So tacky, I know!! *SCREAMS*

Monday, April 11, 2016

GOD > Satan

God loves you, adores you, cares for you, and desires to be your everything. He wants to provide for you, heal you, speak to you, protect you, go to war for you... He died for you. It is His desire that you find everything you need in Him. That when you think of ultimate satisfaction, you'll think of Him. He wants to be your God, Savior, Father, Friend, Lover, Provider, Teacher, Counselor -- whatever / whomever you need, He has the power to be. Isn't it amazing that the Creator of the Universe loved you before the foundation of the world began? It says in Psalm 139 that He "knit our delicate, inner parts together while we were in our mother's womb" (click here to read it for yourself ;-)). God took you to a secret place where it was just you and His love and you became the very essence of His love. If you ever wonder who you are ---> You are the love of God. If you've ever wondered your worth ---> You are an amazing individual who has been fearfully and wonderfully made by God, Himself! (don't believe me?!) (*begins singing* how sweeettt it is to be loved by Christ!!!!!)
You are very important and special to God. Every day of your life was already recorded in God's book before you exited your mom's womb. God knew you before your parents met you. God loved you before your parents met one another. God was already with you, has always been with you and promises to never leave.
We have a problem receiving the love of Christ because we can't wrap our minds around perfect love. Our entire lives, all we've known is imperfections, issues, circumstance after circumstance... some of us know depression, the feeling of failure, disappointment after disappointment, confusion.. some of us are angry with God because you're thinking, "surely, if there's a God in heaven that loves me this much, He didn't do a d**n thing when I was going through hell".
Listen. (ALL WHO HAVE EYES, SEE) James 1:17 (CLICK HERE) tells us that everything good comes from God. EVERYTHING that is GOOD comes from GOD.
Now in a previous blog, I exposed Satan for who he REALLY is and what he does (CLICK HERE IF YOU WANT TO BE FREE). Remember those good things that come from God that I mentioned earlier? Satan's purpose of existing is to kill, steal, and destroy those good things (click here for proof). But what's amazing is, when Satan disrupts those good things, God still has plans for what Satan does to turn out for the good (here's your proof).

So let's do a contrast chart:

Since studying the chart... who do you believe has your best interest at heart? Who do you believe truly loves you, cares for you, and wishes nothing but the best for you?
Who is the one that is on your side? Who is the one that is against you and wants to destroy you? If you're the one that always says "ooohh, I can't stand when someone lies to me" then chances are, Satan is not your cup of tea because he has been lying to you your whole life. He's lied and told you that you'll never make it out of the struggle. He's lied and told you that you're not worth anything. He's lied and said that if you walk away from a fight you're weak. He's lied and said if you don't sale drugs to make ends meet you're not a man. He's lied and said that nobody loves you and you'll always face rejection. He's lied and said that since your mom and dad were addicts that you're going to be one. And one of the biggest lies was "how could God possibly love you when you've got all this mess going on in your life? Is there really a God that cares about you but allows your life to be in turmoil? HA, what a fairytale"

I am deeply sorry that you've lived a deprived life... maybe your mom was hooked on drugs so she didn't give you the love you deserve. But God loves you. Maybe your parents gave you up for adoption so you really don't know who you are. But God knows you. Maybe one of your loved ones died from cancer and you're blaming God for it. God wants you to know the truth. We come from all walks of life. But God loves us. So what you've robbed a store. God loves you. So what you've held someone at gunpoint and pulled the trigger. God loves you. Maybe you saw a little girl and touched her. God loves you.
If God was such a terrible person that did not care about you and what you're going through or what you've been through, why would He send His Son to die FOR YOU so that you may experience the fullness of life? (proof of life!) God gave us an opportunity to live a NEW life! Which means all the things we've done, all the hell we've caused, all the bad decisions we've made... God is the One who makes all things new. Jesus saves! God sent his Son (Jesus) to die so that you may be free. You don't have to be a prisoner of your circumstances, a victim of your past... You don't have to be bound to hurt, disappointment, depression, abandonment, suicide, unworthiness, rejection, drugs - whatever your struggle or issue is... God sacrificed His Son so that you may be free. FREE.
I was bound by anger, sadness, depression, abandonment, unworthiness, and lowliness because I did not know my dad. When I met God, He freed me, restored me, gave me peace, dusted me off from the war I had been fighting and renewed my strength, showed me my true identity, and He accepted me just as I was and said, "if you would allow me, I can show you the world in a completely different way. If you would allow me, I can touch you and make you whole. I have amazing plans for your life, can I reveal them to you?" (YES, God thinks amazing thoughts about you, too!!! (God's wonderful thoughts!)).

Do you want to be free?

If you want to know this God that I rant on and on and on (and on!) about.. if you're thinking, "I want to see what the hype is about because Tityana won't shut up about this GOD!". If you're saying, "well, I don't have anything to lose...", then repeat after me (OUT LOUD): "I believe in my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord. God, I receive you into my life."

If you have made this confession, heaven is rejoicing right now. (NO, FORREAL... THE ANGELS ARE THROWING A PARTY. GOD SAYS, "WELCOME HOME. NOW COME HERE AND LET ME LOVE ON YOU!" ;-)

Until next time,

P.S. Leave comments if you'd like, I'd love to hear your thoughts!!! If you have any prayer requests or questions, please feel free to email me at

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

I am fine just the way I am!!!

What helps us to realize who we are today is to reflect. I haven't always been concerned with the question "why am I this way?" but after a while, it became an everyday question.
"Tityana, why are you doing this? Why do you respond this way? Why do you feel this way? What causes this behavior?"
When I was a lesbian my mom put me in therapy and the therapist asked, "What brings about these feelings for women? Is it a past trauma? Are you acting out?"
My mom said, "I think it's because her dad isn't in her life."
I said, "No, I just like girls. There is no reason, nothing too traumatic or fancy.. I just like girls. I've always been like this."
There was another time when I blamed my mom's failed relationships as a reason for why I liked females.
At the time, I did not know that my behavior stemmed from deep psychological issues. I wasn't at a mature place mentally where I could identify with my issues, insecurities and experiences throughout life that played a part in why I was living life the way I was.
As life happened to me, I responded the best way I knew how. Which is what a lot of us do. We communicate the best way we know how, we love the best way we know how, we treat people the best way we know how... and our best way is sometimes the worst way because either it is learned behavior.. it is us reacting to a situation in which we vowed "no one will ever make me feel this way again".
If you live by the myth: "I'm just like this. This is how I've always been." I am here to kill that myth. ["Just" meaning perfectly; completely] - you are not "perfect like this". You are not "complete like this". That is not how you've "always been". Everything that you are is by experience. You haven't always had an attitude problem, you became that way through experience. You haven't always suffered from anxiety, you became that way. You haven't always been a homosexual, you became that way. Attitudes and traits are embedded on your brain depending on who impacted your life as a child and adolescent. Understand that there is a reason as to why you are the way you, why you live life the way you live it, and why you feel the way you feel about certain things. THERE. IS. A. REASON.

Psalm 51:5 tells us that "we are born into sin and shaped in iniquity" (Scripture Proof)
born into sin - we're all born with a sinful nature. we are inclined to sin.
shaped - to have great influence on; mold
iniquity - wrongdoing; offense
So bottom line is: We're all born into the life of sin and molded into wrongdoing.
We are born not knowing what sin is but molded into living an offensive (aggressive and combative) lifestyle due to people and things that have had great influence on us.
The reason why you react that way when a man tries to hug you is because you were molested. The reason why you abuse love is because you were introduced to love in the wrong manner. You don't want to get married because everyone you know has had failed marriages. You are overbearing because your parents neglected you. You are so mean because your mom was never nice to you. You have trust issues because your own family betrayed you. We live an offensive lifestyle due to those people and experiences that have left a negative imprint on our memory. We grow up ruined and damaged but we assume we have it all together because no one has taught us how to think differently, perceive one has traced our steps back to how we really feel. No one has helped us discover our greatest influence.. We've yet to uncover those moments in life that taught us how to do things the wrong way (the best way we know how).

We are all searching for complete fulfillment. Some of us think our fulfillment is in money, a companion, a career, babies, bettering ourselves, etc.. Some of us spend our lives determined "not to be like mom and dad" because we think proving that we're different is our fulfillment, what will bring us complete joy. We are all in the search to feel secure and content in who we are. But we've been going about it the wrong way (best way we know how). We'll never discover that gem of joy and ultimate satisfaction until we first know who we are and why we are the way we are.

What I discovered is that although, my life was pretty crazy, God had plans to make everything work for the good (PROOF)!!! He had plans to give me a beautiful future (PROOF)!!
Right now, we don't understand why we have been dealt the cards we have but God has made everything beautiful in it's own timing (beautiful PROOF).
Seek God. He is the Creator of the universe and He knows everything about your life because He created it. Ask Him questions, confide in Him. He is waiting to hear from you (CLICK HERE)
GOD LOVES YOU. "He loves you so much that He sent His Son to die on the cross for you, that you might have everlasting life. His love is not based on performance. Christ loves you so much that while you were yet a sinner, He died for you.
God's love for you is unconditional and undeserved. He loves you in spite of your disobedience, your weakness, your sin and your selfishness. He loves you enough to provide a way to abundant, eternal life. From the cross Christ cried out, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing."" (Source for PROOF) God's love reaches beyond every circumstance.

God knows you and He has the answer to every question that you have. He is the One that formed you in the womb. He's always loved you and He knows everything that you've been through. You should talk to Him. 
If you do not know God but desire to know Him then you can today. Don't miss the chance to live a life of freedom filled with unlimited peace, joy, love, strength, and access to GOD (the CREATOR of the ENTIRE UNIVERSE!)
Romans 10:9 assures you that if you BELIEVE in your heart and CONFESS with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and that God raised Him from the dead, that you will be saved! So repeat after me (ALOUD): "God, I believe in my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and that You raised Him from the dead! Thank you God for salvation!"


Say this prayer with me:
Father God in Heaven, I thank you for my life. Thank you God for loving me with a love that I will never understand. Thank you for creating me with a purpose. I am confused about life. I can only do things the best way that I know how but your word tells me that You are the way, the truth, and the life and I need you to show me the way, I want to know the truth, and I want to live life the right way. I ask God that you fill me with all knowledge, wisdom and understanding of who You are and the will you have for my life. I desire to know the plans you have for me, I desire ultimate satisfaction. I am seeking you because You are the Creator of the universe and the Creator of my life. God I have questions and you are the only one who can answer them. In spite of how my life is now and what I see when I look in the mirror, You see the beauty in me, the worth in me, and you've placed a value on my life that I will never understand but God I thank you. I don't fully understand why I do the things that I do, but God, You understand. So God I invite you into my life and I am waiting to hear from you. It is in Your Son Jesus' name I pray, AMEN.

Until next time,

Friday, January 22, 2016

are you tired?

The one thing that causes us to be defeated are the lies that provide the cushion for the mess we're in.
"I'll get over it."; "It's not that serious"; "I don't even care"; "I deserved that"; "There's nothing better than this"; "I'm fine just the way I am"; etc.
One thing that every single person has in common in this world is lying. "What are you talking about Tityana? I'm not a liar!" I'm  not calling you a liar but what I am saying is that lying is something that you've done to protect yourself, make an excuse for yourself, and/or limit your abilities.
At first, the only way I coped with not having my dad in my life was to lie: "I don't need him. I grew up just fine without him. He doesn't have to love me. My mom loves me enough for the both of them. I don't ever want to speak to him or see him. If he died, I wouldn't even care."
But the truth was I felt abandoned and worthless.. Always questioning what's wrong with me? Why did he leave me? Does he not love me? I just want to speak to him one time just to figure things out. What does everyone else see in me that my dad didn't see?
I eventually confronted the situation head on and confessed the feelings that I had been holding captive in my mind. Every bit of bitterness and anger that I felt I spent years coping the wrong way because I was afraid to confront the very thing that tormented me. I did not know how to identify with how I was feeling and then be honest enough to speak those feelings. I only knew how to lash out. I was perfectly fine with being ignorant and playing in my mess instead of realizing that I needed help.
The one thing I learned is that honesty is what we tend to run from because no one has taught us how to effectively face our issues. It's true, some of us don't know how to face our issues. Some of us like our depressing pity party. Some of us are used to mess. We scoff at the fact that God can make us clean, whole and set us free. It took someone introducing me to something new before I got tired of the old.
So my question to you is, are you tired of the old? *Take a moment and think about your life* are you satisfied with the way things have been? It's okay to be tired of the "same ole, same ole".
To be tired "suggest a condition in which a large part of one's energy and vitality has been consumed. One who is tired has used up a considerable part of his or her bodily or mental resources". You're wasting energy physically and mentally exhausting your efforts to cope with what you think of yourself and what others think of you, to pretend you're okay when you're not, to get your mind off of the reality, and/or to make an excuse as to why you should stay the way you are instead of wanting better for yourself.
Well my prayer for you is that you come to know who you truly are and you develop a deep desire to change. I pray that your true identity will be revealed and that you have the courage to step out of your past and into your future. I pray that you will come to see the beauty in your past, the purpose in your struggle and the hope in your future! I pray that you will open up your heart and mind to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior and that you allow Him to be God in your life and that you receive His love! You'll soon come to know just how deep, wide, and how unfailing God's love is for you and once you get a taste, you'll never go back, in the name of Jesus! I pray that you be healed, delivered, restored, and set free in every area of your life. The devil does not have control over you any longer! In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray, AMEN.

(Stand in agreement with me by praying the prayer and saying "Amen. Jesus, I receive it!")
God makes all things new! ---> "Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new..." (PROOF)
"This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!" - 2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT (PROOF!)
Until next time,
P.S. I see you in the future and you look much better than you do right now. I SEE YOU!