Thursday, September 15, 2016

UNconditional goodness

The one thing that causes us to put limitations on God is our perception of life and how we've contributed to a lot of the things that have happened in our lives.
For instance, when I was dealing with traffic tickets, license suspension, court dates, legal drama, etc...I thought "why would God provide the finances for me to take care of my tickets and court fees when it was my reckless behavior that got me into this situation?"
When I was dealing with that guy that I no longer wanted to be with, I thought "why would I give this mess to God when I got myself in this situation? I knew I wasn't supposed to be with him in the first place!"
When I was faced with the outstanding balance on my school account, I began thinking of all the times I complained about school, times when I didn't take it seriously, and times when I took school for granted. Then I thought, "why would God move on my behalf when I really don't deserve to be in school??"

God's love for us is not predicated on how amazing we are, our good deeds, our accomplishments, how kind we are, how smart and caring we are, how thoughtful we are, the fact that we're awesome parents, we have awards and degrees on the wall... God's love for us is based on the fact that He IS LOVE. All He knows how to do is be LOVE.
"...for God is love.
[He is the originator of love,
and it is an enduring attribute
of His nature.]"
-1 John 4:8 

His love for us is unconditional (not limited and not subject to change due certain conditions) but what's even better is that His love for us is actually based upon how messed up we are.. the fact that we make bad decisions, we aren't the best in "this" particular area, we struggle, we don't always have good intentions, we have the tendency to be rude and mean, we complain, we hold grudges, we just can't get it right!!!!!

"But God is so rich in mercy,
and he loved us so much, 
that even though we were dead
because of our sins,
he gave us life when he raised
Christ from the dead.
(It is only by God’s grace
that you have been saved!)"
- Ephesians 2:4-5 (PROOF!)

Our actions do not stop God from being God. There is nothing we could do that is going to make Him love us any less (see for yourself). Will he discipline us? YES! Why? Because just like our parents on earth (or whomever your guardian is), God disciplines those He loves (CLICK HERE for proof!) Will He come through on your behalf? Yes! Because He is a good, good Father! So merciful, so loving and so kind and His love and goodness is UNCONDITIONAL. For Him to say, "No, I'm not going to help you because you've pissed me off for the last time" is just NOT WHO He IS.
God desperately desires to work things out for us. Not because of who we are but because of who He is. He is God and that's all He knows how to be. Silly of us to think that our bad decision is going to stop Him from being God. NO! It's when we condemn ourselves that blocks His grace (favor and goodwill)! His grace is sufficient enough for us!! (PROOF!) So go to God and confess the situation in truth (be open and honest about everything) and turn it over to Him. It is not God's desire to withhold any good thing from us. So get out of your own way and let God be God.

Until next time,

P.S. By the way, just because God is just that good to fix our messes and bless us even in the midst of bad decisions and mistakes, doesn't mean that we prostitute (take advantage) of His grace. Take steps at trying to be better and do better and being obedient! God loves when we're faithful and loves it even more when we're obedient!


  1. Replies
    1. Glory to God! Thank you for taking the time to read my post!!!
