Wednesday, December 9, 2015

OMG, if it ain't one thing it's another

I asked one of my colleagues what is their definition of worry and how it relates to their life. Their response was as follows:
"Worrying is a type of emotion that leads you to feel unworthy, causes lack of confidence, lack of faith, and discouragement. Whenever I am worried I tend to sit by myself in the quiet, overthinking, in attempts to stop thinking about the issue and how to make it better. I repeatedly ask myself 'how did I get here?'"'s definition of worry is "to torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts".

The spirit of worry has an assignment to make you lose trust in God.
In Matthew 6, Christ gives believers the counsel to not worry about our lives. He also comforts us by assuring that the Father knows what we need before we ask! God is concerned with the things that concern you. When we live a life of worry we're showing God that we lack the confidence in Him. What we're really saying is "maybe You aren't that mighty...maybe You aren't that loving.. Maybe Your faithfulness isn't so great. Are you really Jehovah Jireh (provider)? Are you sure You're Jehovah Rapha (healer) because this is a pretty serious matter?"
We have to own our relationship with God and everything that it entails. What helps us rebuke worry is remembering WHO God is. Satan wants us to second guess WHO God is because that leads us to LIMIT WHAT GOD CAN and WILL do on our behalf!!! Our Christian walk requires us to depend and lean on God! We have to be WILLING to seek God in EVERY circumstance and then give it to Him so that His will may be done. When we hold on to things, dwell on things, continuously replay the situation in our heads, we are tormenting ourselves which causes us to suffer. The turmoil begins to cause us to lose the battle in our mind. It's easier said than done but we must get in the habit of IMMEDIATELY placing things in God's hands. Yes, it is to my belief that you can develop a habit of not worrying!!! Call me crazy but I BELIEVE IT!

My colleague said "worrying is an emotion". He treats worrying as an emotion because our emotions are determined by circumstance. When we succumb to our emotions and how we feel we then give away our rights of understanding a situation. Therefore, when we succumb to our problems, we then succumb to worry and we give away our rights of experiencing the fullness of God. YES! That is your RIGHT. That's what Jesus died for!! So that we could be made right with God and go to Him about ANYTHING standing in CONFIDENCE that He is FOR US! (Know your rights! Walk in your authority! Own the power of the blood!! You are a part of a royal priesthood!!) God says, "I love those who love me and those who diligently seek me will find me" [CLICK HERE FOR PROOF]! God is WILLING, READY, AND ABLE to fight on your behalf!!! [Don't believe me?!]
He then goes on to say "Worrying...leads you to feel unworthy". The definition of unworthy is "not deserving"; "unfit". Worrying results in you not only questioning God but questioning the fact that HE loves you too much to FORSAKE you! He said that He would NEVER LEAVE YOU NOR FORSAKE YOU and here you are feeling that you DO NOT DESERVE the fulfillment of the scripture. THE WORD OF GOD IS WHAT WE DEPEND ON! WE HAVE TO SPEAK THE PROMISES OVER OUR LIVES AND STAND FIRM IN FAITH UNTIL THE PROMISES OF GOD MANIFEST IN OUR SITUATION! But we have to be DESERVING OF THE FAITH! Christ's death MADE US WORTHY. (OMG! I AM ABOUT TO SHOUT!) 1 Peter 5:7 (Easy to Read Version) reads, "Give ALL of your WORRIES to [GOD], because he cares for you". GOD IS NOT A MAN THAT HE SHALL LIE. He doesn't act like we act! We say we care about something/someone but we really don't, we say we are going to do something but we forget or we intentionally don't do it. GOD IS NOT MAN! HE is THE TRUTH. The ONLY truth. YOU CAN BELIEVE HIM! YOU CAN TRUST HIM! YOU CAN LEAN ON HIM!

I TRUST God's will for my life and I know that NOTHING that happens in my life catches HIM by surprise. I know that WHATEVER the enemy throws my way I can handle it. Why else would God ALLOW it to happen? Because He knows that I TRUST HIM!
Realize that the assignment of the enemy is to STEAL, KILL AND DESTROY.
It starts with worry, frustration, and anxiety then ultimately you're depressed and suicidal. The enemy has stolen your joy, your peace, he's destroyed your Eden with God, and he's killed your faith.
Some of us are so worried about life because we don't have a relationship with God in the first place...but we'll cover that in another post..

Say this prayer with me:
Father God, I bless your holy name. You are all-powerful, all-knowing, and so loving.
Great is your love for me! Great is your mercy! You are so kind to me!
Thank you Jesus for your blood that was shed that made me right with the Father.
Thank you that my sins and my every circumstance was nailed to the cross.
God your word tells me to not be worried about my life because You know everything that I need. But instead I should seek ye first the kingdom of God and Your righteousness and you promised
that all these things will be added unto me. So I can stand in confidence knowing that as long as
I seek you in all things that You will take care of me. Your word tells me to give all of my worries to you so God right now I lay my life at your feet and all things that concern me [begin to speak your worries and concerns off of your lips] and I trust that You are God above every situation and I trust Your might and your power. I know that you see what I am dealing with and that you have great plans for me in spite of what my life may look like right now. In the name of Jesus, I rebuke the spirit of worry, frustration, and anxiety. I loose the grip of the enemy off of my life and I come against the enemy with the cross! I plead the blood over my life and I believe that it will get better. God you said that you would never leave me nor forsake me so even though I can't feel you, God I know that you are still there. God help me to look at my life with a faith eye, to perceive situations the way that you would have me to and increase my faith in you right now in this moment. God I depend on you! God I trust you! God have your way! Rest, rule and abide in my heart, mind, spirit, and life. I declare your sovereignty in my life! Keep me with your love and let your will be done!
It is in your Son Jesus's name I pray knowing that you hear me and that it is already done.

In the name of Jesus, I speak that you will be so dependent on God and rest so much in His power and sovereignty that whenever a situation arises, you will LAUGH AT IT and IMMEDIATELY GIVE IT TO GOD. The enemy will not have the power to thwart you, discourage you, and fill your mind with lies any longer. WALK IN THE POWER AND LOVE OF GOD. YOU ARE FREE FROM WORRY AND DOUBT! YOU HAVE POWER, LOVE AND A SOUND MIND! YOU WILL NOT LIVE IN THE SPIRIT OF FEAR!!!!!! IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!!!!!! RECIEVE IT! Everyday incorporate Psalm 16:8 [<---click the scripture] in your prayers. Declare it until it is in your spirit! The Lord is with you! NOTHING can defeat you!

Until next time,

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