Friday, October 2, 2015

and then this happened...

okay, so today I saw the light at the end of the tunnel! =D
recently, I have been carrying a dark cloud of not wanting to continue in my major because I "all-of-a-sudden" realized that having a career is about more than just a check but about something you're really passionate about.
but I made up my mind that I am going to make the best out of this field and get all that I can out of it for my next stage of life because "ALL THINGS WORK FOR THE GOOD OF THOSE WHO LOVE THE LORD AND ARE CALLED ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE" *BEAMS FROM EAR TO EAR*
so I told myself "Tityana, you're gonna have to change your attitude, get some act right about yourself and ride the rest of this school career out to the fullest. you WILL have a STRONG FINISH." =D
so I dried my eyes and allowed God to shift my perspective on how I viewed my life.

if ima go through, I might as well make the best out of it, right? and I darn sure am not trying to wake up every day dreading life..NO! TOMORROW IS NOT PROMISED! so I refuse to not rejoice and be glad. sometimes you have to make a conscious effort to be joyful. you have to make a conscious effort to seek the Lord in all things so that He can reveal to you what He desires for you to know, learn and experience.

right now you be going through a situation/season that doesn't make any sense to you. you're questioning "why am I even here? why put effort into this crap? how is this going to benefit me? why Lord why?"
but God says "I have made all things beautiful in its own time... no one can figure out what I am doing from the beginning to the end. so commit to Me all that you do and I will establish your plans. lean not on your own understand but in all of your ways acknowledge me and I will direct your path. cast all your anxieties on Me and I will sustain you. trust that I am working and that all things will work for the good."


Until next time,

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