weeeelllll..... HELLO!
let's just tell it like it is - I let this blog fall by the wayside.
you guys, I will get better. actually, I've already gotten better and I've decided whether people view this blog or not, I am going to stay committed and true.
see, that was my issue - I was thinking "what's the point? people aren't viewing it anyway. you're wasting your time. what kind of outlet is this? just stick to pen and paper" and I let those ridiculous thoughts control my next move. then I recently thought, if I really wanted viewers I could have just stayed consistent and promoted it on all my social media pages and got others to promote it as well. *DONNGGG*
well then was then and now is now and now all I have to say is: I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY! AND GOSH DARNIT, I'M GOING TO SAY IT! ;-)
you guys would be happy to know that my poetry book is FINALLY PUBLISHED!!!!!!!! *cues my own applause and toots my own horn* *SCRREEEAAAMMS TO THE TOP OF MY LUNGS*
I am now working on putting together a book release party so I am soooooo excited!!!! *shrieks*
click the link ---> Fathomless Freedom if you'd like to order a copy or just verify that I am not lying to you!
I am working on my second book which is a compilation of short stories and I am so excited!! I love making my characters very interesting and as relatable as possible. I believe you guys will thoroughly enjoy them. on that note, GIVE ME SOME IDEAS!!! I am open to themes and subjects that will keep my creative juices flowing!!
this Christmas a team of great individuals have been aligned divinely to cast the vision I have for a Christmas play!!! *SHRIEKS AGAIN*
you guys seriously... if I could just wake up and write every day and get paid for it.. I'd be living the life.... COMING SOON TO A THEATER NEAR YOU
the dance ministry that I am apart of at my church is just soaring. I thank God for the ladies and gentlemen that dedicate their time, talent, and effort. they keep a smile on my face and they make me anticipate our practices every Monday.
I will begin to invite you into my life as a dancer, as well. since writing and dancing really make up the very fabric of who I am called to be, why not share about them both?!
I've revamped the look, feel, and style of the blog from the title to the motivation so I am excited about this fresh start. I've kept all of my old blogs because honestly, I have nothing to hide. how can you witness growth if I tuck my tail and erase all my tracks? NOPE! I am an open book and I am ready for whatever is next! ;-P
okay, I have class so I am gonna go. but I will close with this: the work that has been done in my life lately, I wouldn't trade it in, go back, do it over - none of that...I will keep it just as it is. I am so thankful that God loves me enough to bend me, shake me, press me, stretch me, and mold me. the way I think, love, and act is totally different. I value the intangible things way better than before. there is a change that has come about that I can never take credit for. JESUS IS LORD. I LOVE YOU DADDY, YOU ARE AMAZING.
until next time,
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