"I came to the realization that the purpose of being on this earth is to grow wherever we are planted."
Last Wednesday at bible study pastor was out of town and one of our great ministers said those words and it resonated through me. If we enter into each chapter/season/stage (whatever you want to call it) of life with the mindset that "God with you by my side, I will grow through this" our perspective will be open to see, ponder and process every situation the way God would have us to.
We are created to grow to our best potential. We are created to live through anything (and to just LIVE, period.)
Sometimes I tend to resist growth which is impossible when you and God are real tight (lol). But when I would get so many confirmations and hear the voice of God clearly as it pertains to my next step, my "level up", my assignment that He was preparing me to walk into, I would have the tendency to resist. Then I would wonder why things would get so frustrating... because when you resist what is natural, you get disheveled. When you RESIST what is NATURAL you get DISHEVELED. GROWTH IS NATURAL. Like when the wind is blowing one way and you're walking the opposite direction, you get uncomfortable, your eyes water up and you get a little pissed off.
To grow, to change, to evolve is a natural part of us. I believe that is why God was so strategic with our physical development: infant > to toddler > to adolescent > to teenager > to adult > to elder, to show us how we are to grow inwardly.
I was studying Matthew 13:31-32 (NKJV) where Jesus compares the kingdom of God to mustard seeds. Jesus then goes on to say that the mustard seed is the least of all the seeds. (WHAT JESUS???)
We (us as kingdom members) are a bunch of mustard seeds in the kingdom of heaven. We are the ones that were rejected, abused, cast out, neglected, confused, filled with unnatural desires, unstable in all of our ways, etc BUT GOD touched our lives, we invited Him in, and became a part of the kingdom (with our filthy selves)!
Then Jesus continues, "but when it is grown it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree". But when. But when. BUT WHEN. The word "when" suggests that something is destined to happen! DESTINED! There will come a time when you will outgrow some things, mature in some areas, shed some things, and step into some things! You ARE GREATER than your RIGHT NOW! You are GREATER than your circumstances! You are being prepared for your GREATER.
"...the purpose of being on this earth is to grow wherever you are planted."
God wants to use you for His glory! He wants you to grow to your best potential!
Do not detest the process but embrace it. Do not throw in the towel, use it to wipe away sweat and tears. Do not fuss and cuss at God! He is only preparing you for greater! And when your greater comes do not resist the change, do not be afraid of your "level up". God is for you! God already has plans set out for you! (Plans to prosper you, give you a future and a hope! Remember?!)
Some of us feel as though we're in a low season... You may feel as though God has forgotten about you or He is slacking in His timing. But God has not forgotten and will never forget about you and His timing is perfect. (God is the gardener! Don't you think He knows when harvest time is?!) Just take a moment and meditate on the fact that "the purpose of me being on this earth is to grow wherever I am planted". Which means wherever God has you, make the best out of it and use this uncomfortable time as an advantage to get closer to Him, go deeper in Him, and allow Him to pour into you by REMAINING FIXED ON HIM. As Minister Evan said, "keep your eyes fixed on the SUN (SON) because that's where all of your nutrients comes from!"
God loves us so much that He thinks amazing thoughts towards us. He says, "my child, I have great things planned for you. I cannot wait for you to walk into them but we just gotta get some things in order first. It is not my desire to bring you into anything pre-maturely. What I have for you I want you to be equipped to handle and withstand. Just hold on and keep your eyes fixed on me while I give you everything that you need right now. And when the time comes you will then realize the plan I had all along."
Until next time,
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