Sunday, October 6, 2013

tea and a chat anyone?

what are your strengths? what are your weaknesses?

I have a heart for serving, working and helping (strength)
but I have a hard time with preparing and time management (weakness)
give me anything to write about - no matter the format and style - and I'll write it (strength)
i have a problem with procrastination (weakness). i laugh at myself because sometimes i literally say "if only God would assign someone to make me do this"
I hold great conversation (strength). conversation with me will have you thinking I am a bright, intellectual scholarly student..but I have a 2.8 GPA
i have a strong start (strength)
but a weak finish (weakness)
great planner (strength)
not so great implementer (weakness)
i have a problem with laziness, staying focused and seeing things through

I could go on and on and on...and on. but the question is posed: what are you going to do about your weaknesses?
yes, we are imperfect and we have inadequacies and God fits those imperfections and gets the glory through our inadequacies... but i'm pretty sure that doesn't apply to laziness and lack of self-discipline. i was told it takes baby steps and you can even set mini-goals and try the reward method.
for example: if you're always late for just about everything (talking to myself, smh) then set a personal goal - for the next two weeks, i am going to be ten minutes early and put a limit on something you love doing for those two weeks (eating out, shopping, etc). at the end of those two weeks (ONLY IF you've been on time everyday. YOU GET NO "PASS DAYS")buy you something nice! eat at your favorite restaurant! you get what i'm saying? and after a while, it will become routine.
i think it'll be fun.

i am always as transparent as i can get and i thank God for that. that's the only way i can get better. and i acknowledge the fact that there's always room to grow and there are habits i need to develop and some i need to let go off.
i am excited about my progress, the change and the process. and i am excited for you as well!

we're all running this race; some have started and stopped, yet to start, making it slowly but surely, or whatever the case may be BUT WE'RE IN A RACE. don't focus on being swift, don't focus on being perfect. seek God FIRST in all things. I WILL BE BETTER and so will YOU. I SPEAK IT NOW!



  1. what are some of your weaknesses? and what are you going to do to strengthen them? because you CAN strengthen them!

  2. Anonymous7.10.13

    My weaknesses are too many to name. I won't even begin to try, but what's a testimony without a test? God didn't and can't make everyone of us perfect therefore He set up these flaws in each on of us to make sure we lean on Him when even the littlest thing gets in our way of during our work for Him or giving Him glory. He wants us to overcome our challenges. I try (try is the word here) to do better at the things I know keep me from Him and I know I can and will do better... because I can strengthen my weaknesses and myself!!
