I hope you are as excited about the new year as I am. Are you not? Well maybe you aren't excited because you don't have anything planned. Maybe you aren't excited because you have nothing to look forward to. Maybe you should ask yourself "what do I want to do different? What do I need to improve? What do I want to accomplish?" Okay, sure. You're thinking "I made a resolution last year and that didn't go too well so I'm good on making a list and checking it twice". But I'm not asking you to make a resolution, I am asking you what do you want to do in this life and what can you do in 2016 to either meet or get closer to meeting that life goal? For example, I want to break the cycle of living "check to check". My Lord! That is such a depressing cycle. So I asked myself "Tityana, what can you do this year to break this cycle off of your bloodline?" Then I proceeded to WRITE down my 2016 action plan of DEFEATING this vicious cycle!
Another example: I want to be more prominent as it pertains to my writing - focusing on poetry for the time being. How can I do this? I've decided to intentionally go to poetry events and spit. Whenever there is an event going on, I should purposely offer my services.
My list could go on but y'all don't need to know all of that just yet!
We often make things harder than they are. We often think too hard about making changes that we think ourselves right out of doing it. Or we think about all the times we failed in the past and we allow the past failures to intimidate us and bully us into a stagnant life. STOP THAT. STOP THAT. STOP. THAT. RIGHT. NOW. Get out of that mold that you are in and do a self-evaluation of your life...are you pleased? What could you do better? Write it down and MAKE IT PLAIN!
"Well Tityana, my attitude is a bit horrible. I should be a bit nicer." Maybe you should do random acts of kindness at least twice a month. That person that you don't like and you know they don't like you, maybe you should start small by simply saying "hello" to them. And guess what, IT DOESN'T MATTER IF THEY DON'T SPEAK BACK. It'll push you out of your comfort zone which is where you DON'T need to be. Nothing great is birth in comfortability.
Maybe you need to be more disciplined when it comes to your studies. Maybe you are looking to buy a house. Maybe you need to write that book that you've been putting off for months. Maybe you need to work towards being a better parent. Maybe you need to be less selfish. Maybe in the next two-to-three years you are expecting to be married, how could you prepare for that long-term goal? In the next five years, you are wanting to move to another city, how are you going to go about that?
I have many things planned for 2016 that will aid in me meeting the long-term goals that I have. No, I am not intimidated by the things that I require of myself because they are REALISTIC and PURPOSEFUL. Do not stress yourself focusing on doing things that will eventually SERVE NO PURPOSE IN YOUR LIFE.
I want to encourage you to be excited about your life. Life happens to all of us but make up your mind that you are going to make the best out of every situation. Live a "glass half full" life. Easier said than done, but I always feel so much when I make the decision to feel better. Make the decision to live life on purpose. Make the decision to enjoy life.
Maybe you are asking "how could I enjoy life more?" Well you could surround yourself with hopeful and joyful people, surround yourself with people who are living life on purpose, and be more intentional about seeking out the best in every situation.
I see you in the future and you look much better than you do right now. I SEE YOU!!!!!!!!
Until next time,
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