Friday, November 20, 2015

YIKES!! almost forgot my shoes!

Every day we open our eyes is a miracle. With each new day being a gift we are to commune with God as a conscious effort to renew our minds, commit our life and day unto the Lord, and put on the full armor of God [The full armor of God is just a click away!]. How often do we really do that?
You may be thinking "I wake up and commune with God all the time! I have a great prayer life and we have an awesome relationship!" OKAY, GREAT! GOD BLESS YOU! But just like we can be around God for years and still not get deliverance because we haven't CONFESSED IT OFF OF OUR LIPS and ACCEPTED it is the same way we can wake up communing with God and still not have the peace to carry us throughout the day. We can have a great relationship with Christ and still lack the joy that we need to help us overcome those daily tribulations.

2 Corinthians 4:16 NLT
"That is why we never give up.
Though our bodies are dying
our spirits are being renewed every day"

Philippians 4:13 NKJV
"I can do all things through Christ
who strengthens me"
Through meaning "by way of"; "as a result of".

God wants us to get in the habit of verbally accepting (speaking) the gifts that Christ freely gave us on a day-to-day basis. There is no need for us to suffer without joy, there is no need for us to have trials without peace, there is no need for us to go through the testing of faith without hope and strength. Jesus gave us those gifts freely! We can do all things as a result of what Christ did for us and the gifts He left for us! We have to speak the free gifts of Christ over our lives daily! The joy you had yesterday won't carry over into today. Why? Because today wasn't promised to you! So since you are awake you renew yourself in the Lord by renewing those gifts for your day! Yeah, you told God yesterday that you surrender all, tell Him again today! We must be cognizant of not being naked in this world because that is what allows us to be "consumed in the things of the world".

Every day we are to put on the FULL ARMOUR OF GOD. I've gotten into the habit of confessing off of my lips every morning: "God TODAY I put on your helmet of salvation, your breastplate of righteousness, your shield of faith, your belt of truth, your sword of the spirit, and your shoes of everlasting peace so that I will be fully armored and anchored in You and ready for whatever arrows the enemy will have for me on today. Jesus I accept your perfect gift of joy that I will rest in today, I accept your peace that will blanket me and your strength that will sustain me as I go about my day. Thank you for those perfect gifts" (and so on and so forth!)

1. There is a lot more to the armor than just "putting it on". There are some things required of you!
For example: how can you put on the helmet of salvation if you are not secured in who God is and the power that He has given you!
Two arrows that Satan loves to throw are arrows of discouragement and doubt which makes us lose confidence in God! Spend time with God and begin to rest in who He is.
2. Another example: The belt of truth is God's word! Without truth (the word) to stand on, you are unprepared! You have to read your word on a daily basis! When we know the truth we are able to defend ourselves against Satan's lies.
3. Okay, one more example: (The sword of the spirit) "The Holy Spirit gives us power and reveals truth to us (2 Timothy 1:13-14 NLT). He dwells in us and is our defender in spiritual warfare. In order to use a sword to its fullest effect, a soldier must be trained with it. We, too, should be trained in the word of God. This is why memorizing Scripture and cultivating a sensitivity toward the Holy Spirit are important. If we do not know the way our sword works, it will do us little good in battle"
Get in the habit of renewing every day. If each day is a gift that is given why would you not think you need "new everything" for the new day!? We often think that the prayers we prayed Sunday will get us through the entire week...NO! Why else would the bible tell us to "pray without ceasing" if that one prayer on Sunday was gone get us through?! Do you think that one scripture that you know is going to get you through the next four seasons? Every day is a new day and please know that the enemy is always strapped and ready for attack soon as your alarm goes off... are you strapped and ready? Stay ready so that you won't have to get ready whenever the heat turns up! The devil loves when he does something that throws us off our A-game. He loves when he plays the right card that dishevels us, confuses us, tests our patience, and causes us to question God and be misrepresentations of who God is.
Let's get in the habit of renewing our lives with each new day. The more we renew ourselves in God we become more familiar with who God is, His will for our lives, we begin to notice Him in the small things, and we become more and more dependent upon Him (which He loves, by the way)!
So when you pray in the morning make sure you put on your armor and receive those gifts that will gird you throughout your day. All you gotta do is do your part and SHOW UP ALREADY DRESSED!

Until next time,

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