My devotional for today was titled "Desperation Breeds Defeat".
1 Corinthians 10:13 talks about how God gives you a way out in desperate situations. But I also got another revelation.
You must be intentional about seeking God and staying in His presence.
Do you have a habit you're praying to break? Do you want so desperately to protect your identity in Christ? Have you been praying to walk in the victory that God has already promised you? Well you must be intentional in preparation. (Tityana, what does that mean??) You must have a "God-exit" whenever temptation arises.
Example? Okay: if you're dieting so that you can be a healthier you and be a good steward of the temple God has given you, then plan your healthy meals and exercise plans and make them REASONABLE and make all goals ATTAINABLE. The definition of goals is "I WILL ACCOMPLISH THIS" not "I will try to accomplish this". So you should plan in excellence. And ooohhh, you're walking down the street and an aroma hits your nose... "Is that chocolate chip cookies I smell?! Mmmmm" but oh wait! You're on a diet and chocolate chip cookies is not on the list of what you can eat. So what do you do? You pull out that delicious apple that you packed. :-) You had a BACK UP PLAN just in case you were gonna be in a COMPROMISING POSITION.
We have to have our "God-exit" because DESPERATE TIMES CALL FOR DESPERATE MEASURES. The point is to show God "I believe that if I continue to look to You and place you above my desperation for this that You will bring me through! I'm more desperate for YOU!!" God was not bluffing when He said pray without ceasing.. He was not bluffing when He said that you could bring ANYTHING to Him. You struggle with eating too much? With cursing too much? With laziness? With attitude problems? With inconsistency? With being self-absorbed? With being a bad friend? BRING IT TO GOD! He will give you creative ways to trust Him. DESPEARTE TIMES CALL FOR DESPERATE MEASURES.
God said that He will give you a way out but you must be INTENTIONAL about seeking His face. Rest in His presence, rest in His love...prepare your God-exit and take His hand as He guides you through your way out.
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