You are very important and special to God. Every day of your life was already recorded in God's book before you exited your mom's womb. God knew you before your parents met you. God loved you before your parents met one another. God was already with you, has always been with you and promises to never leave.
We have a problem receiving the love of Christ because we can't wrap our minds around perfect love. Our entire lives, all we've known is imperfections, issues, circumstance after circumstance... some of us know depression, the feeling of failure, disappointment after disappointment, confusion.. some of us are angry with God because you're thinking, "surely, if there's a God in heaven that loves me this much, He didn't do a d**n thing when I was going through hell".
Listen. (ALL WHO HAVE EYES, SEE) James 1:17 (CLICK HERE) tells us that everything good comes from God. EVERYTHING that is GOOD comes from GOD.
Now in a previous blog, I exposed Satan for who he REALLY is and what he does (CLICK HERE IF YOU WANT TO BE FREE). Remember those good things that come from God that I mentioned earlier? Satan's purpose of existing is to kill, steal, and destroy those good things (click here for proof). But what's amazing is, when Satan disrupts those good things, God still has plans for what Satan does to turn out for the good (here's your proof).
So let's do a contrast chart:
Since studying the chart... who do you believe has your best interest at heart? Who do you believe truly loves you, cares for you, and wishes nothing but the best for you?
Who is the one that is on your side? Who is the one that is against you and wants to destroy you? If you're the one that always says "ooohh, I can't stand when someone lies to me" then chances are, Satan is not your cup of tea because he has been lying to you your whole life. He's lied and told you that you'll never make it out of the struggle. He's lied and told you that you're not worth anything. He's lied and said that if you walk away from a fight you're weak. He's lied and said if you don't sale drugs to make ends meet you're not a man. He's lied and said that nobody loves you and you'll always face rejection. He's lied and said that since your mom and dad were addicts that you're going to be one. And one of the biggest lies was "how could God possibly love you when you've got all this mess going on in your life? Is there really a God that cares about you but allows your life to be in turmoil? HA, what a fairytale"
I am deeply sorry that you've lived a deprived life... maybe your mom was hooked on drugs so she didn't give you the love you deserve. But God loves you. Maybe your parents gave you up for adoption so you really don't know who you are. But God knows you. Maybe one of your loved ones died from cancer and you're blaming God for it. God wants you to know the truth. We come from all walks of life. But God loves us. So what you've robbed a store. God loves you. So what you've held someone at gunpoint and pulled the trigger. God loves you. Maybe you saw a little girl and touched her. God loves you.
If God was such a terrible person that did not care about you and what you're going through or what you've been through, why would He send His Son to die FOR YOU so that you may experience the fullness of life? (proof of life!) God gave us an opportunity to live a NEW life! Which means all the things we've done, all the hell we've caused, all the bad decisions we've made... God is the One who makes all things new. Jesus saves! God sent his Son (Jesus) to die so that you may be free. You don't have to be a prisoner of your circumstances, a victim of your past... You don't have to be bound to hurt, disappointment, depression, abandonment, suicide, unworthiness, rejection, drugs - whatever your struggle or issue is... God sacrificed His Son so that you may be free. FREE.
Do you want to be free?
If you want to know this God that I rant on and on and on (and on!) about.. if you're thinking, "I want to see what the hype is about because Tityana won't shut up about this GOD!". If you're saying, "well, I don't have anything to lose...", then repeat after me (OUT LOUD): "I believe in my heart and confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord. God, I receive you into my life."
If you have made this confession, heaven is rejoicing right now. (NO, FORREAL... THE ANGELS ARE THROWING A PARTY. GOD SAYS, "WELCOME HOME. NOW COME HERE AND LET ME LOVE ON YOU!" ;-)
Until next time,
P.S. Leave comments if you'd like, I'd love to hear your thoughts!!! If you have any prayer requests or questions, please feel free to email me at
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