Tuesday, October 27, 2015

oh, I see what you're doing God

(I am composing this post on Thursday, 10/22/2015)

Wednesday 10/21/2015 - Bible study
I was on schedule to do free worship (I am a part of the dance ministry). One of the dance ministry members who was going to be my partner this particular Wednesday entered the sanctuary with the flags that we were going to use (our weapons *grins from ear to ear*) and she asked me "do you want two flags?" Out of anxiety, I said "no, I don't think I'm legit enough to use two flags yet.. I'm still practicing." So I scoffed at the gesture and walked to my seat. It was in that moment when God said "you did not go to any special classes to learn the technique that you have now. And when you opened yourself up for the desire to learn flags, no one taught you, I did. It was in the moment that you relied solely on me that I birth something new in you. You are in spiritual warfare. Act like it." Around this time, we are nearing the end of intercessory prayer (which we do for thirty minutes prior to bible study) and the Holy Spirit put a song on Mama Vivi's heart so she began to sing and the praise team opened up service with this song. So I grabbed the second flag and went to the back of the sanctuary and began dancing and watching my reflection. I then migrated to the front to continue on with the flow of worship.

God revealed so much to me later on that I did not know in the moment.

Dancing is my ministry. Dancing is one of my strategic weapons of warfare. Instruments of praise (streamers, flags, billows, etc) are props used to heighten the atmosphere and not only usher in the presence of God but to send out waves in the spirit realm that thwart the enemy.

I have been celibate for over a year and lately, I had been struggling with intense sexual desires. I had also been struggling with the thought of feeling abandoned by God and left by the wayside. I had been struggling with who God has called me to be and asking "God, why can't I do what the world does and not feel ashamed?" I also had been praying for a strong finish as it pertains to my school and financial worries were bogging me down. Not to mention praying for others and sharing their burden as an intercessor. I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF SERIOUS WARFARE.
It was a divine moment when she walked up to me and asked, "do you want two flags?"
Before I knew it, God raised the temperature on me. I was dancing and twirling and swaying and swinging and FIGHTING FOR MY PEACE OF MIND, MY FAITH, MY HOPE, AND FIGHTING TO STAND ON GOD'S PROMISES. I was loosing (untying; releasing; removing) those spirits that had tried to attach themselves to me and while loosing them I was warring on behalf of those I had been on my face praying for. I WORE THAT DEVIL OUT. By the time "Hallelujah, You're worthy" had come to an end, my body temperature was extremely hot, I was sweating like a mad person, and I was so overwhelmed with PEACE. God had me right where He wanted me - focused on Him and His sovereignty. Then we moved to the next song selection which begged "Lord, make me a house of prayer" and I dropped the flags and proceeded to fight with my arms and legs. I then fell to my face and God began to whisper "sweet something's" in my ear that made me giggle and smile and I sang and prayed in tongues to the Lord (yeah, I was laying prostrate at the altar crying my eyes out)

God is purposeful and strategic. In the moment, I didn't recognize God telling me "it's time to turn up the heat tonight". But God knew. I have been praying lately to be so Spirit lead that I never second guess God's voice and I see Him even in the smallest details. I've been praying "God I want to always hear from you. I bind all distractions, In the name of Jesus, that will attempt to block me from hearing your voice and seeing your face and feeling your hand on my life. I want to always be in the position to receive all I need from you and be what you need me to be in any given moment."
As Believers, that should be our prayer: to be Spirit lead and have such a relationship with God that we never second guess what He would have for us to do at any given moment. To see God in the "small" things (because sometimes those "small" things are really big things!).
I walked away from the sanctuary Wednesday night feeling full, whole, refreshed, rejuvenated, and most importantly, FREE.
Photo caption:
Free worship a couple of Sundays ago.
Someone snapped this picture of me and the way the flag looked completely blew my mind.
The only editing is the white that I shaded around myself and the flag.
Call it what you want; a bootleg phone, messed up picture quality, android phone - WHATEVER!
I call it, JEHOVAH SHAMMAH (which means "God is there")!

(The original photo is below)

Say this prayer aloud: "Father in Heaven, thank you for being God and God all by yourself. Thank you for being so purposeful and strategic when mapping out the plans you have for my life. I want to live my life Spirit lead and free. Never allow me to second guess your voice nor miss your hand in my life. God reveal to me that weapon I have on the inside of me that I could use in my time of warfare. Help me to be unrestrained and unashamed. Thank you for equipping me with the tools I need to fight the right way and thank you, that although you require work from me, the battle is not mines but it is yours. I love you, I thank you, I honor you. It is in Your son Jesus name I pray. AMEN!"

Until next time,

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